What is a French Press?

For most of us, a standard drip coffee maker or a single-serve coffee brewer like Keurig is all that's needed to get the morning cup of motivation. However, it's rumored that a French press might be the better option, particularly for those who want the ultimate in control over brewing conditions and who truly savor amazing coffee. What's the truth here? Is a French press the best way to get delicious hot java or is it all just hype? Actually, there is some truth to it all, but we'll let you judge for yourself.

Pros of French press & We keep these traditions

Coffee is more full bodied than what's possible with a conventional coffee pot due to the sediment in the cup. Sediment is also a good source of fiber (if you can bring yourself to drink it). · The simplicity of the design means that cleaning your French press isn't a huge deal.

Cons of a French press and We conquer them all

Automatically filter system isolating the sediment and finished coffee ,you can enjoy the coffee anytime.You can not keep your coffee warm or cold unless you pour the finished coffee to another device like thermos immediately. With the thermos carafe conquer this disadvantage of the tradition beaker of the current French press.